Business Ownership

Commonly owned suppliers are not allowed to compete against themselves and submit multiple bids for the same product category in the same competitive bid area (CBA).  The definition of “commonly owned” is where one or more of the suppliers has an ownership interest totaling at least five percent in the other supplier(s).  The term “ownership interest” is defined as “the possession of equity in the capital, stock, or profits of another supplier.”  Therefore, if you are a commonly owned and/or commonly controlled supplier, you must register and bid one time with one Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) which will be designated as your primary location in the bidding system (called DBidS). When you submit a bid, you must submit one bid that includes all commonly owned and/or commonly controlled locations that would furnish the product category items in the same competition. The legal business name for your primary location will auto-populate in the system, on the Business Organization section of Form A.  This legal business name must be the same one that is on your bid surety bond(s).